Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Car Wash

Some people think car washes aren't very fun. Well, when you go to Lil' Donnie's Car Wash, car wahes get fun fast. With 9 levels of awesomeness, Lil' Donnie's is simply awesome. With high pressured rinsing, easy to use rinsing, multi-colored soap, Lil' Donnies is da bomb. After the car wash was over, I found a dollar and bought a car freshner. You see, I don't use the car freshner in a car I use it in my room that I watch TV and play video games. It might sound strange, but I think it is pure genius.

1 comment:

  1. Yo Jake,

    I use to work at a car wash in Sandusky, Ohio when I was a kid. Check out the song Car Wash by Rolls Royce and the movie. These were hits in the 70's when I was your age.

    Back in high school, my friends and I use to get our cars together and detail them together. Get the tunes out, chicks use to come over and help in swimsuits.....this was pure genius.

    I still enjoy washing my car with the tunes jamming. Wil Smith mentions this in his song Summertime another great tune. Something about getting your wheels ready to cruise in the summer. I stole a car freshener from my wife's car...genius as well.

    Peace out!

    The Rooster
